Unit 29 Ventures

We transform ideas and opportunities into viable ventures. We do this with our own ideas, investing from across the Unit Group Collective to conceive exciting ventures. We also partner with entrepreneurial, ambitious people and yet-to-be-formed-start-ups who want expert support in moving forwards, quickly.

Investing in our own ideas

At Unit 29 Ventures, we believe that the experience of investing our own finances, raising funds and building revenue generating businesses is vital to advising and helping others start their own venture. We understand and have experienced the pains, rigour and passion of creating something new.

Learned experience

Studiomade, our brand and digital agency, was formed as a response to the instability of the 2008 finanical crisis. The Cove, our concept store in Royal Tunbridge Wells, was conceived to bring people back to their local high street after the 2020 global pandemic. Turtle Roll Rum, launched in spring 2024, was inspired by the desire to introduce a challenger brand into the growing market of small-batch products, centred on sustainable processes and materials. Our experience drives our success – and we can use it drive yours.

How can we help you?

We are able to support with:

  • commercial planning and market research
  • concept ideation, design and user testing
  • investment proposition and communication
  • business and brand creation.


With access to expertise across all three companies within Unit Group Collective, your idea can be tested for viability by Unit 29 Ventures, the brand built and activated by Studiomade and your product directly launched to market with additional retail and experiential support through The Cove and Unit 94.